Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sunday Morning :)

Josh and I woke up to go to church Sunday Morning, I feel bad because I promised to make Josh Breakfast (Bacon, Eggs, etc. . . ) on Sunday but I slept in and we had to haul to make it to church.  
After we were headed to the Aldridge Gardens but I saw this little park along the way and asked Josh nicely to stop. 

This Red Dress Josh found for me almost a year ago, I asked him to find me a Red Dress & it is super pretty and so I got him a matching Red Tie.  We basically looked AMAZING!!!

Just so you know, Alabama even when people say it's "warm" outside, it is really cold.  I tried to find sunlight this whole morning, being by water and shady trees is very chilly!  Josh & I have a basic standard where if I am comfortable he is HOT & if he is comfortable I am FREEZING! 

This is the picture Josh really likes, with the water font behind us.  I think it looks super sweet too!

I yelled for Josh to come quick because I saw the ugliest ducks EVER!  He promptly took pictures for me, not sure if they really are ducks but wow. . .  

There were pretty geese out on the pond too, geese are pretty but mean.  

We left this pond to continue on to the Aldridge Gardens. . . 

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