Friday, September 21, 2012

R.A.D. Certified :)

I have been taking a Rape Aggression Defense Class the last two weeks on Tuesday and Thursday Nights from 6 p.m. to about 8:30 p.m. and have LOVED it :)
The class starts out with talking about general awareness, being aware of surroundings, people and situations and then possible threats. 
Next you get into defensive tactics with your blocks and punches.  
It was seriously GREAT!

Last day of class was simulations and it was crazy, 3 male (big) police officers are there decked out in padding and as your can see from my picture, they have some padding for us and they run us through three different scenarios where you have to fight off your attacker(s).

So glad I took this class, it has been such an amazing experience, just in four classes I feel more confident and probably just smarter.  Make better decisions, more informed decisions.
I would strongly recommend taking a defense class!!!

They taped our simulations so you could see not only experience being attacked and honestly, trying to be unbias I think I did really spot on.  I am really happy, I thought I would freeze up but I did well :)

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