Well it is better late than never. I finally downloaded the Christmas pictures from Mom's camera, there are maybe three on there. She didn't remember to take pictures until after everything was over and I asked, "did you get any pictures?" when she gasps,grabs her camera and takes some last minute ones.
This is Behr, he refuses to use his dog door when he sees that there are people in the family room. If we are not quick enough to see him out there he barks and barks until he is let in, so Dad snapped a picture of typical Behr.

This is Brian with his two DS games, they are different, it was supposed to be the big joke of Christmas but Brian didn't play into and so Dad didn't get the reaction he was going after. Brian thought he got a snowboard (which he isn't into anymore), then the wrong DS a little bit later, and then finally the DS he wanted very last. It is all on video - which is hilarious btw, if I knew how to upload video I totally would post it because as far as our family goes it is pretty funny.

This is Dad putting together the mount for my TV, it will save so much space in my room, except that my old TV is just sitting on my floor. It is pretty awesome though, it has high-def clarity, etc. . . makes for watching my new Tinkerbell DVD's pretty exciting.

Me, obviously, and what a great day. Christmas is a fun day to be with family and I think we spent the majority of the morning fairly harmoniously (for us) and then we had to take naps.

Merry Christmas!